At weddings, couples often stumble into pitfalls when looking at the finer details of their wedding ceremony. Here are 5 common mistakes couples make during their ceremony and how to avoid it

Don't know what to do with your hands - It may feel awkward just standing there. You are not holding anything and most likely don't have pockets in your dress (btw you can make alterations to your dress to have them). The best way to fix this is to always face each other and hold hands during the ceremony whenever standing up front listening to the officiant. Looks beautiful in photos and keeps your hands from any unflattering positions or weird fidgeting.

Saying I do to the officiant- it's common to want to look at the person that is talking to us, but you are not making a forever vow to your officiant. When repeating the "I Dos" after the officiant, make sure to look into each others eyes and say the vows to each other.

Can't remember what you just heard - its natural that you both will be nervous and excited during the ceremony. Its important to take it slow and take deep breaths to keep you grounded. Make sure that your officiant take the "repeat after me" in small chucks instead of full sentences.
It may not feel like a big deal when you are reading your vows at home, but when it's the big day - nerves creep in and fog the brain. Keep it to 4-5 words per repeat to make sure you get it right and skip the embarrassment of having to say "can you repeat that?"

Confusion with the flowers - practice the bouquet handoff when you arrive and grab upon your exit. If you have a wedding party, the Maid of Honor will hand her bouquet to the next bridesmaid, fluff out the train (if needed), then grab the bouquet from the bride.
If you do not have a wedding party standing up up with you, give your bouquet the guest that is the first row seat closest to you. Or you can have the person who is walking you down the aisle, take it with them to their seat.
If an elopement of just the two of you, ask your officiant to take it and place on a table or the ground between you to still be in pictures.
Don't forget to grab the bridal bouquet before heading back down the aisle.

Recessional Train Wreck - After you have made it official with a kiss, it's time to head back down the aisle.
You should take the moment at the end of your chair line, for a great photo op! Practice a dip, a kiss, a hurrah! at the end. Make sure to let your wedding party know so that they wait to depart until your last moment is completed. This way you don't get the best man photo bombing your dip, or your maid of honor running into your train.
One of the best ways to avoid these most common mistakes and others, is to practice the ceremony the day before. Having a ceremony rehearsal can help make sure these are addressed and communicated with those involved.
If you want to make sure you don't make these mistakes and others during your wedding ceremony, send me a message! I have helped hundreds of couples navigate the wedding planning journey in every type of venue in the Florida Keys.

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Planning a Florida destination wedding from thousands of miles away can feel incredibly overwhelming.
Naturally, you're seeking someone who can provide local insight and expertise since you're not able to be there in person.
I combine my resort venue knowledge with my love for logistics throughout the stunning Florida Keys to give you the best wedding you have ever been to - and its YOURS!